You have reached a point in your life where you feel you might have more than you need. The awareness that the majority of your home is never used. The stairs might be more difficult to use. Repairs are evolving from minor fixes to major rescues. Costing you more each time. This is causing you to dig deeper into your valuable fixed retirement resources. You know it is time to move on to the next phase of your life. You need to FutureSize. Size your life for the future you want.
Now that you’re aware that you need to size your life for your future, you need to come to terms with the idea of making this huge transition into the next phase of your life. It is difficult for most to just pack up and leave what we’ve built over such a long period of time. You’ve invested many years of blood, sweat and tears into this home. You’ve possibly raised a family. Every room has many memories associated with it. You are thinking that it will be difficult to leave this home because every room has a memory. You need closure.
Where to begin? So many things to consider.
1. What are the financial implications?
2. What type of home do you need for your lifestyle(s)?
3. Is there anything near you? Or, what areas would give you more of what you need?
4. Does your next location need to be local, out of the area or out of state?
5. Do you need partial or permanent assisted living now, or should you plan for the possibility?
6. How do you physically move? How do you downsize from where you are now to where you need to be?
There are so many options for you. It is difficult to get your head around the many variables to consider for your situation. We will help you step through the stacks of information and possibilities. We’ve done most of the research for you. We’ve assembled all the reputable honest ethical professionals and organizations to help you through the process.
You’ve been in your home for many years. Most likely you’ve been mortgage free for many years now. But how does the sale of your home fit within your portfolio? What is the current value of my home? What tax implications will there be? How will this affect your Trust? Should you purchase your next home? Should you rent? Would a Reverse Mortgage work for you? Every person has specific individual needs for their own situation. We will give you pressure-free advice that will guide you in the direction that is right for YOU.
You’ve spent years in this home collecting many things over a long period of time. Several of these items have long ago been out of mind, and in many cases, out of sight. You’ve found the perfect place to display or store them. But now that you are considering moving, you will need to decide what you really need to keep. After all, you are considering downsizing your life. You just can’t take it all. This process seems at first to be very daunting. Where do you start?
The good news is that we know what you are going through. You are not alone. We will show you where to begin and how to complete this process. It all starts somewhere. We will help you take each step. Or we can do most of it for you.